Instructed the ancient Sumerians - kosmity.
The search and study of traces on the Earth in prehistoric times, visitors from the distant cosmos, as well as the latest results of UFO investigations, reveal the inextricable link these important research directions.
Discovery of the late 90s of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century have allowed a whole new way to look at the history of the Earth and ancient civilizations. ' A study of 100,000 texts and astronomical tables of the ancient Sumerian state, Lebanon and Egypt early scientists received sensational information about the origins of mankind, the history of the solar system and the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence in the evolution of culture and civilizations of the ancient Earth ' - gives his assessment of Professor A. Goodman.

According to ancient texts of the newcomers came from the planet, which is turning around its star at a very elongated orbit, invading our solar system, and comes close to Earth every 3,600 years. Culture and Science alien civilization for hundreds of thousands of years of influence on mankind. That aliens humanity owes its appearance on our planet now. Credit for many years the synthesis and study of these sensational information belongs to Zechariah Sitchin - the largest specialist in ancient languages , including languages of Sumer, Babylon and Ancient Egypt.
In Sumerian and Akkadian texts say that the gods, which were the from heaven in a fiery chariot, ' able to fly in different lands, even at the edge of the sky, the stars, sometimes taking with him the nobles of mortal men. ' Do these descriptions are not the events we encounter in the Old Testament,' appeared a chariot of fire. and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven ...
Remember the book unique von Däniken ' Earth Chronicles ' ( U.S., 1980 )? . He stood next to his divine miracle bird ( black ), which carried him. ' Further, the text says that God commanded the man- Gudee immediately begin construction of buildings, where there will be a miracle bird, after the completion of the gods will protect it.
These ' black birds ' Sumerians called My. The ruler of the Sumerian city Palash made about them the record: 'My, lightning soaring into the sky like a huge bonfire '. In the language of the Sumerians the word 'moo' translates as ' rising straight up '.

Not only the Sumerian, Hittite and images on the plates show raketoobraznye spacecraft as platforms for launching and flying against a background of stars and emitting rays of light. These images were well known in the Middle East at that time, they were also carved on the great seal of the rulers of Crete. During the excavation of ancient Canaan, near Jerusalem, discovered seven plates depicting the object, rather like a large rocket. Next to the rocket symbols of the moon and constellations.
The ancient Egyptians worshiped the temple in a special object in the shape of a pyramid ' Ben Ben ', in which, according to decipher the hieroglyphs in ancient times the gods came to Earth. These gods were called Anunnaki, the gods have a low rank. Their lord - Nephilim - gave them instructions on how and where to build a huge stone blocks of the building for the start of the huge ships that the people of Babylon and Akkad called violation ( celestial chariot, emitting lightning).
The legendary ruler of Uruk, Gilgamesh was the city, as reported by ancient texts, two-thirds god and one third man. Found tablets contain a description of the start of his' chariot ':' Suddenly - a flash of lightning, and struck fire in the sky. Then the fire had disappeared in the sky, and then came the darkness. Fragments of rocks and trees turned to ashes '. Gilgamesh made a trip to the gods of heaven and then, in a country star Nephilim.
When he saw from a height, that ' the sea was like a puddle, and the whole earth was reduced to the size of the moon, he was terrified. He asked the Anunnaki who governed the heavenly chariot, return it to Earth, which was done '.
We found a lot of drawings, which depict spaceships in silos. ' At the top of the ship, situated at ground level, visible hemisphere, docked to the cone. The ship is shown in section. A clear picture is a double ( inner and outer ) hull, located between the buildings of the ring, no doubt, serve ribs. One can see the passageways between the three successive compartments. In one of them human-like figures are holding some hoses '.
In the Sumerian ... ' Fiery vessel' has such a characteristic shape, which is not found in it a spaceship is simply impossible. This is not the final proof that the gods who settled in Sumeria, interplanetary owned aircraft. The drawings on clay tablets of ancient Sumer and icons, giving them explanations can form an idea of alien spaceships.
4400 years BC. e. Sumerians, according to the astronomical tables and explanatory of their texts, believed that our solar system has 11 planets, and another - Nibiru, the home of the Anunnaki and Nephilim, which appears between the orbits of Jupiter and Marsar with a periodicity of 3600 years.
Nephilim Sumerians gave the knowledge of the true nature of the Earth and solar system of planets beyond the orbit of Saturn and the wettest planet - Nibiru, from which they came to earth.
Deciphered the Sumerian lists of kings speak about the rule of 10 kings, the divine Nephilim over 3600 ' balls ' ( a unit of measurement equal to 120 years). Thus it appears that aliens from outer space first appeared on Earth 432,000 years ago. Approximately 100,000 years ago, Nephilim, using the primitive earth creature began to genetic selection, as a result of which was obtained by an entirely new type, capable of learning activities and reasonable.
Of course, the Nephilim brought part of their genotype created a rational creature, and in the future they controlled and directed evolution of these creatures that have begun to deify their creators. Only about 4000 BC there was a rapid, rapid development of human civilization.
It is noteworthy that the reign of the Nephilim is a multiple number of 3600 m. e. access time of Nibiru. In other words, the 3600 Earth years are one year on planet Nibiru. Nephilim were the gods to man - they are elected from among the mediators of the rulers and kings, through which passed its facilities, knowledge (especially in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, crafts ), and later, when the priests formed a class, passed astronomical, mathematical, .
Sumerian astronomical term ' tsub ' corresponds to a 360- degree ... Professor Christian Hilpreht University of Pennsylvania found that the Sumerians knew about the Great Space series, which covers 25,920 years.
From the ancient Sumerian texts and astronomical tables for the first time receive a confirmation of the hypothesis about the cause of the appearance of the asteroid belt. The texts say that the 174 000 cycles ago, Nibiru crosses the orbit of Mars and Jupiter, the planet destroyed, which the Sumerians called Tiamat. It was much larger than Mars.

Dr. Sitchin commented: ' Nephilim managed to maintain their dominance in the world and get people to rebuild the destroyed city of the Great Flood, as well as to build structures necessary Anunnaki and Nephilim. The texts say that the first city where the power was given to the people, was Kish. Here was born the dynasty of kings who ruled in the Urukke, Akkad, and Babylon. It originated in Sumer the first great civilization, and only after millennia in the valleys of the Nile and the Indus any civilized state with large cities '.
In the bend of the Euphrates in the ring of mountains Nephilim created a kind of abode of the gods - Sippar. The area was forbidden for people. This is where the ships flew to the orbital bases. Dr. Sitchin and his colleagues summarize: ' It is obvious that modern UFOs are related to ancient aliens from the planet Nibiru. Does not their underground and underwater bases, found in our time, are outposts on Earth? . It is possible that it will cause the emergence of a new, unpredictable activity of flying objects, which finally cease to be unidentified '.
prepared and. Tran ' Ineteresnaya Newspaper. Mysteries of History '№ 6 (130) 2006 g.
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