пятница, 8 июня 2012 г.

Google Apps for Your Domain

In anticipation of the November holidays and school holidays saw the light. ' Google Apps for Your Domain '. (Google Apps for your Domain) - in Russian and 16 other languages. In our ' holiday collection ' includes: E-mail. Gmail. (box size of 2 GB for each user), chat. Google Talk. ,. calendar. And service to create web pages. Page Creator. While available only in English.

All services are included in this package are stored on Google servers and allow organizations to provide its users with high quality and convenient tools for communication and e-mails. By the way, all services can be arranged to your own taste (well, taste, color and logo of your organization if they do not match ). So, if you own a domain, you can please your users by providing them with different services Google, without spending a dime in this. Do you want to make sure -. go here.

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